Končno nam je uspelo v Slovenijo pripeljati mojstra Yuantong Liu-ja.
Veselimo se, da boste spoznali enega od mojstrov, pri katerem sta se na Kitajskem kalila naša učitelja Mauro Lugano in Andraž Purger.

Qingcheng gora, 2019
V kolikor se soočate z izzivi duševnega zdravja (anksioznost, depresija, tesnoba, stres,…) ali imate izziv na fizični ravni (bolezni, kronične bolečine,…) vam priporočamo, da se spoznate z orodji, ki lahko pospešijo proces okrevanja in/ali pa nadgradite svoje zdravje na višji nivo.
Zakaj Qigong zdravi bolezni? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qXeVnIblgA
Po tradicionalni kitajski medicini so organi povezani z energijskim pretokom po telesu in čustvi. Mojster Yuantong Liu nam bo predstavil metodo Wu Yuan Zhuang ali Pet Qi-jev združenih v enega. Metoda spada v tretji nivo Zhineng Qigonga, ki temelji na krepitvi notranjih organov, njihovi energijski pretočnosti in vzpostavljanju harmonije.
Z odpiranjem in zapiranjem Qi energije notranjih organov, le-to premešamo in oplemenitimo v višji nivo. Spoznali bomo starodavne skrivnosti »Odpiranje prehodov«, »Pritiskanje na točke« in »Posebni skrivnostni zvoki«, ki krepijo delovanje in pretočnost energije po telesu.
Vadba in tehnike, ki se jih bomo učili so telesu prijazne, ustrezne za uporabo v vsakem starostnem obdobju in prilagodljive katerikoli fizični predispoziciji in telesni pripravljenosti.
Delavnica je namenjena vsem,
- ki si želite zdravstvenih tegob lotiti na naraven način
- ki želite regenerirati telo in okrepiti zdravje
- ki bi radi svoje potenciale prenesli na višji nivo
- ki vas zanima samozdravljenje, harmonizacija telesa ter ohranjanje notranjega miru
- ki bi radi bolje razumeli delovanje zavesti in Qi energije, njuno povezavo in aktivno uporabo

Mojster Liu se že 40 let ukvarja z Qigongom. Uspešno je opravil zahteven učiteljski tečaj v Huaxia Zhineng Qigong kliniki in izobraževalnem centru, pod vodstvom ustanovitelja sistema Zhineng Qigong, dr. Pang Minga. Naslednjih 10 let je s tesnim sodelovanjem z dr. Pangom podpiral zdravljenje tisočih ljudi, kar vključuje kronična, akutna stanja, avtoimune bolezni in bolezni, ki so bile po zahodno medicinskem sistemu prepoznane kot neozdravljive.
Načela Zhineng Qigonga poučuje v svojem Qigong centru na Kitajskem ter znanje širi po Evropi, Severni in Južni Ameriki, Južni Afriki, Indoneziji in Maleziji. Njegovo poslanstvo je potovati in predajati modrosti, prednosti in moči Zhineng Qigonga, čim več ljudem na svetu.
Ali je možno priti na delavnico samo za en dan ali dva?
Tokratna delavnica je zasnovana kot celota, ki se bo vsak dan nadgrajevala, zato je možen obisk samo v celoti, 3 dni ( 17.11.-19.11.2023 ). Hvala za razumevanje.

Budistični center Palpung nam omogoča varno zavetje in umik v tišino. Nahaja se na Črnem vrhu nad Idrijo v objemu narave. Center omogoča skupna ležišča, kar nas bo v dveh nočeh še bolj povezalo.
- Podlogo za spanje
- Spalno vrečo
- Vzglavnik
Za naše želodce bo poskrbljeno, saj nas bo razvajal kuhar Lenart, ki bo pripravil vegetarijanske obroke 3x na dan.
PRIPOROČAMO, da vzamete še:
- Čelno svetilko
- Steklenico za vodo
- Topla oblačila
- Copate
- Dodatno odejo
17.11. – 19.11. 2023
Budistični center Palpung
Mrzli Log 7
5274 Črni vrh nad Idrijo
Koliko stane?
CENA: 285 €
ZGODNJA PRIJAVA: 260€ (velja do 1.10.2023)
Cena vključuje:
- Delavnica z mojstrom Yuantong Liu-jem
- 2x nočitev
- Vegetarijanska hrana – 3 dni
Število mest je omejeno. Po prijavi na leteca.zelva@gmail.com prejmete prijavnico.

17.11. – 19.11. 2023
Palpung Buddhist Centre
Cold Log 7
5274 Črni vrh above Idrija
How much does it cost?
PRICE: €285
EARLY REGISTRATION: €260 (valid until 1 October 2023)
The price includes:
– Workshop with Master Yuantong Liu
– 2x overnight stay
– Vegetarian food – 3 days
The number of places is limited.
After registering at leteca.zelva@gmail.com, you will receive an application form.
We finally managed to bring Master Yuantong Liu to Slovenia.
We look forward to meeting one of the masters with whom our teachers Mauro Lugano and Andraž Purger trained in China.

Qingcheng Mountain, 2019
If you are facing mental health challenges (anxiety, depression, anxiety, stress,…) or have a challenge on a physical level (diseases, chronic pain,…), we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tools that can speed up the recovery process and/or and upgrade your health to a higher level.
Why does Qigong cure diseases? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qXeVnIblgA
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the organs are related to the energy flow through the body and emotions. Master Yuantong Liu will introduce us to the method of Wu Yuan Zhuang or the Five Qis combined into one. The method belongs to the third level of Zhineng Qigong, which is based on strengthening internal organs, their energy flow and establishing harmony.
By opening and closing the Qi energy of the internal organs, it is mixed and refined to a higher level. We will learn the ancient secrets of “Opening the passages”, “Pressing the points” and “Special mysterious sounds”, which strengthen the functioning and flow of energy throughout the body.
The exercises and techniques we will learn are body-friendly, suitable for use at any age and adaptable to any physical predisposition and physical fitness.
The workshop is intended for everyone,
– who want to deal with health problems in a natural way
– who want to regenerate the body and strengthen health
– who would like to transfer their potential to a higher level
– who are interested in self-healing, harmonizing the body and maintaining inner peace
– who would like to better understand the functioning of consciousness and Qi energy, their connection and active use

Master Liu has been practicing Qigong for 40 years. He successfully completed a demanding teacher’s course at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic and Education Center under the guidance of the founder of the Zhineng Qigong system, Dr. Pang Ming. For the next 10 years, in close cooperation with dr. Pangom has supported the healing of thousands of people, including chronic, acute conditions, autoimmune diseases, and diseases that have been recognized as incurable by the Western medical system.
He teaches the principles of Zhineng Qigong at his Qigong center in China and spreads the knowledge throughout Europe, North and South America, South Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia. His mission is to travel and teach the wisdom, benefits and power of Zhineng Qigong to as many people as possible in the world.
Is it possible to come to the workshop just for a day or two?
This time’s workshop is designed as a whole, which will be upgraded every day, so it is only possible to visit it in its entirety, for 3 days (17.11.-19.11.2023). Thank you for your understanding.

The Palpung Buddhist Center offers us a safe haven and retreat into silence. It is located on Črni vrh above Idrija in the embrace of nature. The center offers shared beds, which will connect us even more during the two nights.
You need:
– Sleeping pad
– A sleeping bag
– A pillow
Our stomachs will be taken care of, as we will be pampered by chef Lenart, who will prepare vegetarian meals 3 times a day.
WE RECOMMEND that you also take:
– Headlamp
– A water bottle
– Warm clothes
– Slippers
– Extra blanket